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​Everything You Need to Know About Electric Cars with Diesel Engines

Jan 1st 2025

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Ilija Erceg/shutterstock

Diesel engines are going green. Car manufacturers have rolled out hybrid electric cars that run on diesel fuel in recent years to help fleet owners and heavy haulers increase efficiency and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels that contribute to climate change. Learn about the next generation of diesel engines and how they can help your business.

What Is an Electric Car with a Diesel Engine?

An electric car with a diesel engine uses an internal combustion engine to power an electric motor that runs the vehicle. The diesel engine only runs in one gear and is used to recharge the electric motor’s battery rather than propel the car forward. The hybrid design reduces fuel consumption by only running the diesel engine when more power is needed. Running the internal combustion engine in one gear simplifies the construction and operation to increase efficiency and durability.

Why Diesel-Electric Hybrids?

Diesel vehicles power the global supply chain, haul supplies and carry equipment across industries, from agriculture to construction. Hybridizing these essential workhorses helps businesses and governments reduce their carbon footprint and rely less on crude oil imported from overseas, two priorities for U.S. automakers. Biodiesel can provide similar benefits but is more vulnerable to water separation and gelling in cold weather than traditional diesel fuel.

Learn about the effects of biodiesel vs. diesel

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You’ve probably seen dozens of hybrids on city streets and parkways, so why not diesel hybrids? Like diesel engines, electric motors provide better torque at low speeds, while petrol-powered gas engines get more efficient at higher speeds. Gas-hybrid models complement each other by supplying power at opposite ends of the speed spectrum to increase acceleration and max mph ratings, perfect for everyday highway commuters. However, combining diesel and electric doubles down on low-end torque to maximize towing prowess, helping haulers and towers quickly move tens of thousands of pounds from rest.

Both types of hybrids have pros and cons, but diesel-electric vehicles are mainly used for industrial and commercial purposes. Thus, we tend to see fewer of them on the road.

Benefits of Diesel-Electric Hybrids

Hybridizing a diesel vehicle brings you closer to zero emissions without sacrificing torque and towing power. The benefits include:

  • Fewer emissions, including smog, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxide (SOX) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Reduced fuel consumption by up to 16% compared to non-electrified heavy-duty vehicles
  • Complies with environmental and emissions regulations
  • Strong low-end torque for precise towing and loading/unloading
  • Simplified design reduces wear and tear,

Cons of Diesel-Electric Hybrids

Transforming a diesel engine into a hybrid can be costly and extensive as you simplify the engine, make room for the electric motor and locate often hard-to-find parts. The downsides of these vehicles include:

  • Expensive to add an electric motor to an existing diesel engine
  • Limited high-end torque
  • Produces more emissions than fully electric vehicles

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How to Hybridize a Diesel Engine

Light-duty trucks can be electrified by disconnecting the diesel engine from the powertrain that moves the vehicle and inserting an electric motor between the diesel engine and the accelerator. This requires replacing the diesel pump with a transfer system to send the kinetic energy to the electric motor.

You’ll need to reconfigure the vehicle control system so that the hybrid control unit (HCU) controls both engines by coordinating with the engine control unit (ECU). When you push the accelerator, the HCU will notify the ECU to burn more fuel to power the electric motor, thus propelling the vehicle forward. Buying diesel parts online lets you shop by category, get express delivery and save money.

When to Hybridize a Diesel Vehicle

While costly, adding an electric motor to your existing diesel engines is much less expensive than replacing your heavy-duty fleet down the line amid changing emissions regulations. You will save on fuel and not have to replace as many parts throughout the vehicle’s lifespan, helping you obtain a return on your investment. Until heavy-duty electric trucks become widely available, hybridizing existing haulers is the best way to make towing more efficient.