Oil is what keeps your diesel engine running. It lubricates moving parts to stop them from corroding and rubbing against each other; This reduces the chances of mechanical failure in the engine.
The diesel oil system is made up of a range of crucial parts and components, including the high pressure oil pump, the oil filter for removing dirt and debris, the oil cooler and the oil sump. All of these engine parts must work together to keep the entire diesel system lubricated.
Diesel engines use high pressure volumes and extremely hot temperatures to burn the diesel fuel. The diesel oil lubrication system needs to be able to withstand these extreme conditions to protect the underlying engine parts and components. Without a steady supply of clean oil, the metal in your engine will quickly melt and the gears would grind against each other until the entire system comes to a halt.
The oil in your diesel engine is stored in the oil pan. The oil pump then sends it through the oil filter where it is cleaned before it flows up to the engine’s oil galleries. The galleries then distribute the fuel throughout the engine to lubricate individual parts. Once the oil has circulated throughout the engine, gravity will pull it back to the oil pan, so the process can start all over again. The oil will eventually become dirty and need to be replaced, which is why it’s important to change your oil every six months or more.
You will find everything you need to maintain your diesel oil system parts at Bostech Auto. Browse our selection to find the right part for your diesel engine.
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