A diesel fuel injection pump supplies the engine with fuel. Working with other fuel system parts, it sends pressurized fuel to the fuel injectors, which release it into the combustion chamber.
A fuel pump may be mechanical or electric. Mechanical fuel pumps use a rotary plunger with pistons to meter out the amount of fuel needed to power the engine. They send low-pressure fuel to the injectors, which build pressure until the nozzles release the fuel into the combustion chamber. Electric fuel pumps are used in common rail injection and are controlled by the engine control module (ECM). They pressurize the fuel according to the required horsepower before sending it to the fuel injectors, which then open on an electronically timed system. Pressurizing the fuel in the pump makes the injection system more responsive and easier to maintain.
The injection pump collects debris, soot or carbon flowing through the fuel supply. Water separation in the tank spreads rust and metal deposits, clogging fuel passageways. If the pump can’t pass fuel onto the injectors, the engine will lose power. A faulty pump can also lead to reduced efficiency, rough idling, hard starts, surging and engine misfires. Excess hot air can also build in the combustion chamber, leading to overheating and increased wear and tear.
Check your fuel pressure to determine whether your pump and injectors are working properly. Insulate your fuel from extreme temperatures to prevent fuel separation, and replace the fuel filters every 10,000 to 15,000 miles to remove debris. An injection pump will last between 100,000 and 200,000 miles. Shop for a replacement diesel fuel injection pump and all other diesel products by make/model or engine type to keep the fuel flowing.
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