Every diesel engine is made up of a vast network of exhaust components that prevent particulate matter from polluting the environment and ensure the engine is performing at peak efficiency, but diesel exhaust accessories are subject to fail over time. They can become sticky, rusted or clogged, leaking fluids into the exhaust that reduce air quality and may damage your engine. We sell a range of replacement diesel exhaust components at Bostech Auto, including diesel exhaust clamps, gaskets, exhaust fluid heaters and more.
Diesel exhaust clamps are metal components designed to keep two pipes attached under extreme heat. The diesel exhaust will be extremely hot, and the clamps must be able to withstand the pressure to prevent leaks. Factory exhaust clamps can break apart over time. You have several options when replacing your diesel exhaust clamps, including U-Bolts, V-Bolts and Band Clamps. They can be made of aluminum, galvanized or stainless steel, but those made with steel tend to be the most durable. The new clamps will need to be welded onto the pipes.
Diesel exhaust gaskets are designed to seal any gaps between the intake manifold and the cylinder head on the pipe. They are used throughout the exhaust system to prevent various fluids from leaking into the engine. These gaskets can also break apart or corrode over time and should be replaced often to prevent leaks and engine damage.
Replace your diesel exhaust accessories as needed to protect your diesel engine from mechanical failure and everyday wear and tear.
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